
Nina's Allurion Journey

Follow maternity nurse Nina (our new Sander Haas🙃) over the next 4 months in her Allurion gastric balloon journey.

Will Nina manage to wear size L again in the hospital?

Follow Nina's experience

Nina started her Allurion Journey March 7, 2024, and received her gastric balloon placement March 8. She takes you through her entire experience from before the treatment to the end result through short vlogs. This gives you a good impression of the program and how a person feels during treatment. Check out the full series here!

Stomach balloon out!
How now?
Weighing moment 7
Not at the goal yet, but persevering
Dips are also part of it
Under 90!
Weighing moment 6
I'm fitting old dresses again!
Striae less!
From fiery red, to fading white stretch marks.
Weighing moment 5
Watch her progress in a TikTok carousel
Day 38
Uniform check
In response to Lieke's viewer question, I thought it would be fun to do a uniform check
Day 38
Day 37
Weighing moment 4
Weeegmoment! And today I went out on rollerblades with a friend. And what do you think of my new outfit?
Day 37
Question by Marjolein
Viewer question 2
Also, if you have any questions about my trajectory at Allurion, feel free to ask them on my tiktok account; @ninamaagballon
Question by Marjolein
Day 31
Weigh-in time 3
Good morning everyone!!! I am dying to see what the scale is going to say today.
Day 31
Question by Lieke
Viewer question 1
Also, if you have any questions about my trajectory at Allurion feel free to ask them on my tiktok account; @ninamaagballon
Question by Lieke
Day 23
Weighing moment 2
Happy Easter weekend all!
Day 23
Day 16
First weigh-in
Exciting!!! Are you guys as curious as I am?
Day 16
Day 13
Another update
Nausea has been gone for a while, and this morning I had my first call appointment with my lifestyle coach.
Day 13
Day 5
Trip to Iceland
On the way to Iceland with girlfriends
Day 5
Day 3
Day 3
Day three is here and I am taking you on my Journey; and that includes a starting weight.
Day 3
Day 2
Post-placement update
Placing the gastric balloon all went very easily, but was a little sick afterwards. I tell more about it in this video.
Day 2
Day of placement
Today the big day of placing the Allurion gastric balloon, quite exciting.
day -1
Day before placement
Join me on my journey. I get a gastric balloon and tell you all about it.
day -1

Take the test

If you have a BMI of 27 or higher, you are eligible for our program. Quickly calculate your BMI to see if the Elipse gastric balloon is right for you.


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Catherine Keyl interviewt Dr. Edo Aarts



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Catherine Keyl interviewt Dr. Edo Aarts

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