
Anouk's Allurion Journey

Anouk exposes herself completely during her Allurion Journey. This is obviously terrifying for her, but also very informative for you. Support her, follow her on TikTok and above all, ask all your questions!

Follow the experience of Anouk

Anouk had her gastric balloon placed at the Allurion Clinic on April 16, 2024.
To get a good impression of what the process at Allurion is like, Anouk takes you through her experiences. If you have any questions, you can ask her via her TikTok account. Of course, you can also just give us a call!

Bizarre update!
The balloon is still in it ... ?!
Last week
And then the balloon goes out
Clothes no longer fit
Lost 12.9 pounds!
Seventh weigh-in
This week took the crown!
Sixth weigh-in
How much more will I lose weight do you think?
Food choices
On vacation with the gastric balloon
Viewer questions
The five most frequently asked questions regarding a gastric balloon
Fifth weigh-in
Another half a kilo. Could the first plateau be approaching?
Healthy snack
A recipe for a healthy snack
Dining Out
Of course, you can eat out with a gastric balloon.
Fourth weigh-in
Another kilo off!
Come skate 40 kilometers with me.
Third weigh-in
The first five kilos are off!
Second weigh-in
Slightly later weigh-in due to vacation. Could Anouk have lost weight?
On vacation?
You can just go on vacation with a gastric balloon!
First weigh-in
First weigh-in with one week of the gastric balloon!
Are you hungry? And then what do you eat all day?
Taking enough steps
First two days
Fortunately, the first two days are already over. On to the first weigh-in next Monday!
Day of placement
Today the big day of placing the Allurion gastric balloon, quite exciting.
Viewer question 3
Doesn't the balloon stretch the stomach too much?
Viewer question 2
90 pounds and a gastric balloon?
Question by Zara
Viewer question 1
Also, if you have any questions about my trajectory at Allurion, feel free to ask them on my tiktok account or contact a staff member at Allurion, they are happy to help!
Question by Zara
Several questions
Viewer questions
Wow what a lot of great questions I received, super fun!
Several questions
The intake interview at the Clinic
All signs are green, I am going to get my gastric balloon next week.

Take the test

If you have a BMI of 27 or higher, you are eligible for our program. Quickly calculate your BMI to see if the Elipse gastric balloon is right for you.


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20.00 uur

Catherine Keyl interviewt Dr. Edo Aarts



20.00 uur

Catherine Keyl interviewt Dr. Edo Aarts

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