
Melany's Allurion Journey

Follow Melany in her Allurion gastric balloon journey.

Will Melany manage to get back to her target weight?

Follow Melany's experience

Melany started her Allurion Journey July 14, 2024, and received her gastric balloon placement August 5. She takes you through her entire experience from before the treatment to the end result through short vlogs. This gives you a good impression of the program and how a person feels during treatment. Check out the full series here!

Day 101
What I eat?
Day 101
Lost 14 pounds!
Ninth weigh-in
Day 64
Weighing moment 8
Day 64
Stomach balloon held!
Day 49
Seventh weigh-in
Day 49
Day 46
Taking out gastric balloon
Day 46
Day 37
Blood results and looking on
Day 37
Day 35
Stomach balloon removal?
Day 35
Day 29
Fourth week update
Day 29
Day 22
Weigh-in time 3
Day 22
Day 19
Stomach flu
Day 19
Day 15
Weighing moment 2
Day 15
Day 8
First weigh-in
Day 8
Day 6
The first week
How are you doing now?
Day 6
Day 3
Day 3
Two days before placement
Medication for placement
Which BMIs are appropriate?
Gastric balloon versus other options
Consulting with Dr. Edo Aarts
Why a gastric balloon?
Why I'm taking a gastric balloon even though I weigh 80 pounds.

Take the test

If you have a BMI of 27 or higher, you are eligible for our program. Quickly calculate your BMI to see if the Elipse gastric balloon is right for you.


Laatste wetenschappelijke inzichten en methodes om gewicht te verliezen.

Alles te weten komen over de laatste innovaties in afvallen? Catherine Keyl stelt kritische vragen, zodat u weer op de hoogte bent.



20.00 uur

Catherine Keyl interviewt Dr. Edo Aarts



20.00 uur

Catherine Keyl interviewt Dr. Edo Aarts

Gratis, vrijblijvend én anomiem.

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